Creating Creators-MIT Film Academy » Information


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Creating Creators: We have partnered with Creating Creators, a program in which students learn the craft of film production from start to finish through The Cinema Project . The mission of Creating Creators and the Cinema project is to support and align the lessons in the classroom, with the entrepreneurial, creative, and collaborative rigor of film production and the 21st century skills of working professionals. Students meet 34 weeks, 2 times a week for 1.5 hours a day, where they go through the filmmaking process from pre-production to distribution. Students write scripts, form production companies, casts, prep, and schedule fill production. In the same process they also learn entrepreneurial skills, technical skills and language, while simultaneously learning editing, marketing and distribution. Students develop and put their knowledge to practice by participating in field trips and professional opportunities which are made up of red carpet interviews, special guest workshops, and internships.